Csak másban moshatod meg arcodat."
"We do not stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing."
-- Kalandok robotokkal szerte a világban -- Robots, Baltimore and beyond --
Beside the fun part, I visited the director of the MIS Technology Center of Cedars-Sinai Hospital, honorable Dr. Daniel Farkas, and we gave me an excellent introduction to their research projects and future prospects. (See SurgRob blog for further details.) As the upbeat to the iSAIRAS conference, I joined the organized tour to the Palomar Observatory in the
Fóliás csirke
Hozzávalók 4 személyre:Elkészítés: Elsőként víz hozzáadásával elkészítjük a tölteléket a porból. (Alternatív lehetőségekről itt olvashattok.) Egy nagyobb darab vastag alufóliára rakjuk ki a töltelék negyedét, rá a csirkét, arra a sonkát felkockázva. Ez után szórjuk meg borsóval, kukoricával és gombával, majd pedig a vízzel elkevert sűrű gombakrémleves szósszal öntsük nyakon. Ízlés szerint sóval, borssal fűszerezhetjük, vagy sajtot is reszelhetünk rá. Zárjuk le az alufóliát, majd még egy réteggel vonjuk be a tasakot. 40-45 percig süssük, amíg a csirke teljesen átfő a gomba levében. Az alufóliatasakban tálaljuk, köretként egyszerű rízzsel!
Jó étvágyat!
I have always wanted to try Salsa, and now we started a beginner class on Mondays with Tricia. We both enjoy it a lot, though we are only at the very beginning. Tuesday I was given the experience of riding a bike in sleety rain, as all the roads were covered with thick ice – while it was a little bit dangerous, I had great fun drifting back and forth. I guess, this was my first real Valentine’s, as we did not use to celebrate it. Tricia made a very nice dinner with baked chicken and brownies. The weather was fine, so we took the chance to go to Whitetail on Saturday, and had my best rounds of the season due to the fresh snow. Late night on Sunday, Andris arrived finally from
The next quadrennial
The primary elections take place from Super Tuesday (first Tuesday of February) to mid April. Citizens can vote for the several candidates of the two major parties (Democrat and Republican). This year a record number of 24 States held the primary elections on the first possible day (see lower image), therefore it was nicknamed Mega Tuesday or Super Duper Tuesday. (Maryland will only have it on Feb 12.)
The results showed that John McCain is the most likely Republican nominee, while at the Democrats, Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama are so neck and neck that nothing can be said for sure. (On last weekend, five further State voted, and Obama won in all.)
I’m kind of back to my good old form: spinning around with 150 rpm, and living a speeding life. I just love it! Beside the ordinary programs, I had to move last week. I was really surprised how much stuff I managed to acquire within a short time of three months. It took us three rounds with Tricia's car to get everything to my new place, but by the evening, it already looked good.
The Baltimore Restaurant Week gave us an opportunity to hold the Roboters' First Annual Gala Dinner. That was a black tie event for the lab folks, as we went to a fancy restaurant (e.g. they had wines even for 7000USD ). I took some octopus salad, village pie and chocolate mousse. All was very tasty! I spent my Friday and Sunday in the hospital with Tian, cutting foam, but Saturday was different.
This time we were more, so app. 15 of the lab folks decided to go to ski. We chose Whitetail Mountain, which is still in the proximity of Baltimore. The day before, they had very bad sleety rain so they had to close down the entire resort, but thanks to the groomers, they managed to recover the slopes by Saturday. Besides, the entire mountain got covered with thick ice, the trees, the grass, the fences, the plates, everything. It was really like an enchanted crystal world. I could not stand to take a lot of pictures.
Sunday was the Super Bowl day. After the regular Shriver Hall concert, where we listened to some Beethoven and Schubert with Tricia, we joined the others at Lawton's place and watched the second half of the annual football cup finals. The 42. Super Bowl featured the New England Patriots against the